People often ask me how long I’ve had my business, March will be…wait for it…10 years. What?!? 

How my business was born

I started it just before my first born turned 1. First of all, how did all that time even go by?? How am I old enough to have owned a business for a decade? How is my first baby almost 11?? ?

It was a side gig for quite a few of those years though, the earliest of which I only knit things and orders were very season-based. The last 6-7 years I’ve really worked on building a true business, and even though it’s still small it is growing slowly, but steadily, each year. I’ve been working on finding my niche; what I do well and enjoy creating. I’ve had to learn what resonates with others, and how many orders I can handle at a time. I’ve decided I want to make a large part of my business digital, because that allows me to serve and work with other crafters, as well as my customers.

Much more than a gig

And wow, do I have the most amazing customers! I’ve met a lot of people who’ve given me amazing ideas that have really taken off. I’ve had people challenge me to create something without any true guidelines, which can definitely be tricky! Best of all, I’ve made friends. Lots of friends, some who I chat with regularly about much more than designs.  Come hang out with us on our Facebook page.

But, to be honest, I hate when people ask me what I do. I usually answer that I make signs and shirts out of my home, and people usually then ask if I have an Etsy shop and if I have a card. It’s great for marketing, but I’m very uncomfortable with self-promotion. I don’t ever want to be salesy, and it also feels like I’m tooting my own horn, so to speak. It’s less uncomfortable for me when I’m wearing a shirt I’ve made and someone says they love it or ask where I got it. 

Also, if I’m being completely vulnerable and real, sometimes I feel as if I’ve failed. Or maybe failed isn’t the right word, but like I’m not successful. I’m very smart (I used to be before I had kids, anyway. Now my brain is just being pulled in a million different directions so I feel very scattered ?), I have a masters degree, and yet I make stuff out of my home. Part-time. For probably less than minimum-wage if I was to calculate an hourly rate. When I meet new people and learn of their admirable professions, sometimes I want to yell out “I’m smart, too!” or “I worked hard too!”. 

My why

It’s silly! I love what I do. I love being able to be home with my maniacs kids. I love that I am my own boss and I don’t have to answer to anyone else. I love that I get to be creative! I work on fun stuff! I People come to me with such great ideas and I love being able to create something from them. I absolutely adore seeing people wearing shirts I’ve made. Most importantly, this business is for me. It’s mine, and only mine. With 3 gremlin kids sometimes I notice I lose myself a bit. I think it’s a common thing for us moms, and we need to make sure we have something just for ourselves. 

I hope you have something just for you. If you don’t, find something. I can help brainstorm, if you’d like. I’d love to connect. If you’re worried you don’t have the time, find it. Somewhere. You need it for you! Your own mental health and sanity.

And maybe you’ll be like me, and end up with a bunch of new friends when you find it. ?

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