What are some of the best gifts you have ever received or given? It’s a good chance many, if not most, are some kind of custom or personalized gift. A flask engraved with a personal note, name on a plaque or a funny inside-joke graphic shirt. But why would someone purchase a gift that was more than 1-click and 2-day delivery or even more expensive? A personalized gift embodies the whole spirit of why we give gifts.

  • Allows a personal touch
  • Will be cherished for a long time
  • Is truly one of a kind
  • Can be for any occasion
  • Portrays a special connection

When my first child was born, we received a ton of gifts from our wonderful family and friends – clothes, diapers, toys and more clothes. Yet 10 years later (my baby is growing up too fast!!), I remember and still cherish many of the personalized gifts. I still have a Mickey onesie with his name on it, a pewter plate that incorporated his date and time of birth in a nursery scene and an amazing personalized birth board. I have no idea what these gifts cost, but their value to me is 100x more. That feeling is one of the reasons I started Liberty Tree Designs. It truly gives me joy to create those cherished gifts.

If you are tired of those impersonal gifts, head over to our store to check out what Liberty Tree Designs can do for you. If you don’t see the perfect gift or you need something custom designed please contact us and we’d be happy to help you. And let us know in the comments what kinds of customized gifts you have received.

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